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The contents of the website and in particular the illustrations, pictures and graphics are published under the sole responsibility of:

Güth & Wolf GmbH
Herzebrocker Str. 1-3
33330 Gütersloh
Tel.: +49 (0) 5241 879 - 0
Fax: +49 (0) 5241 879 -238

Legal form: GmbH
Managing Director: H.Güth, Dr. T. Störmer
Trade register: Amtsgericht Gütersloh HRB 1074
VAT ID No: DE126788806

Legal information

Güth & Wolf GmbH continually revises and updates the information provided on this website. Despite all care taken it can happen that the web pages contain outdated information therefore Güth & Wolf does not accept any liability or guarantee that the information provided on the web pages is accurate, complete or in any case up to date. The same goes for all other websites referred to by hyperlink. Güth & Wolf GmbH is not responsible for the contents of any website accessible via such a link.

Furthermore, Güth & Wolf GmbH reserves the right to modify or to complete any of the information provided on this website.

The contents and structure of the website owned by Güth & Wolf GmbH are protected by copyright. Any duplication of information or data, especially the use of texts or excerpts, pictures and illustrations, is subject to prior consent.


Concept & Realisation

Hesels vom Berg Werbeagentur GmbH 
Zum Aquarium 6a 
46047 Oberhausen, Germany 
Tel. +49 (0)208-911 955 60

Picture credits 

Industry Automotive: shutterstock / robert_s
Industry Anlagen- und Maschinenbau: shutterstock Garagentor/tcharts
Industry Architektur: Geliefert durch Güth und Wolf 
Industry Boots- und Yachtbau: shutterstock / Dudarev Mikhail
Industry Militär: Fotolia / Jörg Hüttenhölscher
Industry Windkraft: shutterstock / Lee Torrens & shutterstock / A. v.d. Wolde
Industry Motorsport: shutterstock / Oscar Carrascosa Martinez
Industry Sportindustrie: shutterstock / Skifahrer Maksym Gorpenyuk
Industry Luftfahrt: shutterstock / Sitzreihe Aureliy & shutterstock / Flugzeug Sfio Cracho